
Sunday 14 July 2013

RECORD: 23 Million Year-Old Lizard Found In Mexico

A beautiful gem or a scientist’s dream? You can have both, as researchers in Mexico recently discovered after finding the remains of a 23-million-year-old lizard fossil, well preserved with soft tissue samples, in a small piece of amber....

Amber often contains small remains of plants and animals, but it is rare to find complete vertebrates such as this lizard.

While it’s currently too early to confirm the small lizard’s species, preliminary examination suggests the important specimen might be a new species belonging to the genus Anolis. This means that the little guy may provide an invaluable opportunity to learn more about an evolutionarily important and impressively adaptive species.

After all, Anolis lizards have fascinated scientists for years, and have provided researchers with an on-the-ground look at evolutionary processes at work. In 2012, a study involving brown anole lizards in the Bahamas was heralded for its documentation of natural selection, according to LiveScience.

Considered an example of evolutionary diversification, the Anolis genus includes several hundred different species that live across the Neotropics, Nature notes. The lizards thrive in warmer climates and are often outfitted with large finger and toe pads, which help them climb over a variety of surfaces quickly and efficiently.
The Mexican fossil was found a few months ago in Simojovel, an area of the Mexicanstate of Chiapas well known for its amber deposits.
The trapezoidal piece of amber is only about 1.7 inches by 0.5 inches, but it contains “a complete and articulated animal that also preserves remains of soft tissue and skin,” Francisco Riquelme of the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Physics Institute told Spanish international news agency EFE.
Chiapas’ Paleontology Museum director, Gerardo Carbot, dated the remarkable fossil back 23 million years through an examination of the translucent, honey-colored amber that encased it, EFE reports. The lizard is now on display in Chiapas’ Amber Museum, located in nearby San Cristóbal de las Casas.
As the BBC notes, amber is formed when resin from a plant fossilizes after becoming buried in sediment. The substance can be a gold mine for archeologists and paleontologists.
In large enough quantities, the viscous substance can trap small creatures, insects and even types of fragile flowers. But even when this does happen, to find a specimen this old with soft tissue remaining is rare, according to the Associated Press.
The amber of Simojovel has contained valuable samples in the past, according to Popular Science — including a pair of fossilized flowers that will be presented during this year’s international Botany Conference at the end of July.
Some of the most striking amber fossils discovered around the world in recent months include a 100-million-year-old spider attack, and a trio of 230-million-year-old insects discovered in Italy.

1 comment:

  1. I am mary from Brazil,i don't know how to say this to the husband who had left me for the past 2years is back to me.all this happened with the help of Dr. okoro a powerful spell caster.For that 2years my husband left me,i was not myself anymore i felt like this life has come to an end with my thoughts.all this happened to me because i loved him(my husband)so much and would do anything just to have him back.everything i did to bring him back wouldn't work it was like each time i try to have him back the farther he goes from me.i was hopeless and day i saw a testimony from Ruth says "how the great Dr. okoro brought back her ex lover". i didn't believe her at that time.but as time went on i kept on seeing more testimonies about Dr. okoro and i said to myself with faith,it will be of the past if i contact this man. I contacted the great Dr. okoro.on his email i explained myself to him,what said to me was so amazed to the extent i was very happy even when my ex hadn't come back,this was what he said to me"he doesn't collect fund,what he needs is giving testimonies like this and giving little to buy items for casting the spell,then i did accordingly to what he asked me to do behold everybody i can't believe now my ex is with me after all that happened between me and him because i thought he would call me his sweet names again,truly when he left me i had many things in my mind negatively that i will murder myself if the great Dr.okoro can not help me,which he did,why am i saying all this is because i thought he wasn't real and he can't bring my lover back to me.because then i didn't believe is true bringing one's love back on the internet.what surprises me to this time is,in not more than 3 days after casting the spell my husband who sweated with his life that he will never come back to me again,came back not only that,kneeling down begging me he shouldn't have left me at frost.And till now we've not had any miss-understanding again because we now other.even before my husband left,we had little coping in the family because no too much fund but,when dr okoro brought him back everything changed and now we are building our other house as am talking now,my two daughters are now in school that they weren't before.because we now live well.All i want to say is,a big thanks and if there's another word bigger than that i should have said it to his hearing but nevertheless,great thanks to "THE Dr.okoro! for the help he rendered me.If you need help in your Marriage,relationship and even he told me he solves any problem so here is,his email Address,
